440 research outputs found

    A survey among members of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA)

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    Background: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to both inpatient and outpatient care. In order to maintain good care under necessary contact restrictions, especially in the outpatient sector, the use of telemedical applications was demanded and promoted. The exploratory survey among members of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA) was intended to show how these were received among allergists in private practice. Methods: The survey was restricted to actively practising members of the AeDA who had previously given their consent to receive such surveys (n = 437). They were invited by email to participate in a survey on the topic of "Telemedicine in everyday clinical practice in allergology". The survey included quantitative and qualitative questions on the use of telemedicine services before and during the pandemic and was conducted anonymously on the SoSci Survey platform. Participation was possible in the period from June to August 2020. Results: In all, 76 specialists with additional qualification in allergology took part in the survey. Of these, 71 completed the full questionnaire. Before the start of the pandemic-related contact restrictions, 46.5% (33/71) stated that they had used telemedicine in their clinical practice. This number increased to 73.2% (52/71) after 31 January 2020. The largest increase (4.3% vs. 15.6%) was seen in the area of video consultations. Furthermore, 43/76 participants can imagine integrating telemedicine services into their daily clinical routine in the future. Conclusion: The use of telemedical services, especially video consultations, increased significantly during the SARS-CoV‑2 pandemic in Germany. The majority of respondents perceive the implementation as positive and can imagine continuing to use telemedical methods after the end of the pandemic

    Intra-arterial versus intra venous contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the equine head

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    Background: The anatomical complexity of the horse’s head limits the abilities of radiography. Computed tomography (CT) in combination with contrast enhanced CT is used more often for diagnosing various head pathology in horses. The objective of this study was to compare intravenous and intra-arterial contrast-enhancement techniques and describe normal and abnormal contrast enhancement in the horse’s head. Results: All 24 horses included in the study recovered without complication from the procedures. Compared to the pre-contrast studies, post-contrast studies showed significant contrast enhancement in the pituitary gland (IA: p < 0.0001; IV: p < 0.0001), IA nose septum (p = 0.002), nose mucosa (IA: p < 0.0001; IV: p = 0.02), parotid salivary gland (IA: p < 0.0001; IV p < 0.0001), cerebrum (IA: p < 0.0001; IV: p < 0.0001), rectus capitis muscle (IA: p < 0.0001; IV p = 0.001), IA temporal muscle (p < 0.0001), IA masseter muscle (p <0.0001) and IV brainstem (p = 0.01). No significant contrast enhancement was seen in the eye (IA: p = 0.23; IV p = 0.33), tongue (IA p = 0.2; IV p = 0.57), IA brainstem (p = 0.88), IV nose septum (p = 0.26), IV temporal muscle (p = 0.09) and IV masseter muscle (p = 0.46). Three different categories of abnormal enhancement were detected: a strong vascularised mass, an enhanced rim surrounding an unenhanced structure and an inflamed anatomical structure with abnormal contrast enhancement. Conclusion: Using the intra-arterial technique, similar contrast enhancement is achieved using less contrast medium compared to the intravenous technique. And a potential major advantage of the IA technique is the ability to evaluate lesions that are characterized by increased blood flow. Using the intravenous technique, a symmetrical and homogenous enhancement is achieved, however timing is more crucial and the contrast dosage is more of influence in the IV protocol. And a potential major advantage of the IV technique is the ability to evaluate lesions that are characterized by increased vascular permeability. Knowing the different normal contrast enhancement patterns will facilitate the recognition of abnormal contrast enhancements

    Tandheelkunde bij het paard in de 21e eeuw, deel 2 : onderzoek van de paardenmond en diagnostische hulpmiddelen voor detectie van gebitspathologie

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    In the first part of this series of articles on modern equine dentistry, which was published in the fourth issue of this journal in 2015, different dental pathologies in the horse were reviewed. In this second part, the focus is directed towards how these diseases can be diagnosed. This involves the implementation of a proper oral examination combined with the use of correct terminology/nomenclature to record the encountered pathology on a dental record sheet. Several dental diagnostic imaging techniques, such as oral endoscopy, radiography, computed tomography, scintigraphy and MRI provide complementary information on the identification of the exact disease process, a prerequisite to deduct proper prognostic and therapeutic conclusions

    A position paper of the Association of German Allergists (AeDA)

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    Since spring 2020, the wide-ranging contact restriction measures in the context of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic have also led to a reduction in physician-patient contacts in the ambulatory care setting. Telemedicine applications will increasingly provide a way to efficiently deliver patient care under infection control measures. In allergology, telemedical as well as digital applications can also significantly facilitate everyday clinical practice. However, the technical and legal hurdles associated with the implementation of digital strategies must be overcome for this to happen. The aim of this article is to provide an intuitive overview of the aspects to be considered in the implementation of telemedicine consultations and to highlight the current state of the framework as well as optimization possibilities and perspectives in allergology. If a structured use is guaranteed, digital and telemedical applications can improve patient care-also in allergology. There is potential to be exploited in many areas, from the remote collection of clinical history, and video consultations, to the discussion of diagnostic findings, disease monitoring, and therapy support. The use of telemedical applications, especially video consultations, has experienced a remarkable acceleration in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The present overview of the legal, technical and professional framework is intended to support the anchoring of digital and telemedical technologies in everyday allergology. However, in order to consolidate these in the future, an agreement is needed regarding professional standards of action as well as a remuneration structure that is permanently defined beyond the current pandemic

    Герменевтика моралі у становленні ідеї права: проекції Старого Завіту і християнства

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    У статті розглядається проблема становлення ідеї права в контексті іудео-християнської традиції світосприйняття: аналізується конкретизація постанов іудаїзму і християнства в сфері морально-етичного комплексу, з'ясовуються домінанти його змістовного наповнення відповідно до процесу осмислення ідеї права. Розглядається символізм текстів Старого й Нового Завітів, що породжує різноакцентованість у полі їх тлумачення та площині взаємозв'язку розуміння соціального призначення моралі і права. Розмежування моралі й права простежується на основі процесу розрізнення понять «гріха» і «злочину», але фіксується як на право покладається завдання інтерпретації, формалізації й закріплення всієї системи вимог етичного характеру з їх подальшою конкретизацією в законі.В статье рассматривается проблема становления идеи права в контексте иудео-христианской традиции мировос-приятия: анализируется конкретизация постановлений иудаизма и христианства в сфере морально-этического комплекса, выясняются доминанты его смыслового наполнения соответственно процессу осмысления идеи права. Рассматривается символизм текстов Старого и Нового Заветов, который порождает разноакцентированность в поле их тол-кования и плоскости взаимосвязи понимания социального назначения морали и права. Размежевание морали и права прослеживается на основе процесса различения понятий «греха» и «преступления», но фиксируется как на право возлагается задание интерпретации, формализации и закрепления всей системы требований этического характера с их дальнейшей конкретизацией в законе.The authors of this article views problem of forming the idea of law within the meaning of Jewish-Christian tradition. In this research analysed the concretisation of Jewish and Christian postulates at the area of moral and ethics complex. Dominants of contextual substanse is determined according to the passes of interpretation the idea of law. Underlines the symbolism of texts of Old and New Testament, which generates heterogeneous interpreting and field correlation in understanding of social appointment of moral and law. Delimitation of moral and law follows the process of delimitation conceptions «the sin» and «the crime». At the end the author made the conclusion that law has function to interpretation, formalization and fixing by the the forse of state, whole system of requirements of ethics, their further concretisation in law